Work Scope

・Positioning based on quantitative Research
・Support of brand platform development
・Corporate message development
・Logo design/VI development
・Communication design


SUNWAVE total branding


SUNWAVE is a kitchen equipment company founded in 1936. It has a great reputation as a top brand both for home use and business use kitchen system. To keep up with the changes in the housing industry caused by the modern living environment and changes in the model of family life, the company had to shift and reconstruct a stronger branding strategy.


RISKYBRAND helped the reconstructing the branding strategy, and renewing the SUNWAVE’s brand logo design. Also development of the brand statement “meet happiness” and development of main production’s concept was conducted.


Based on various market research results, the project was led by discussions with the in-house members. Finally we achieved establishing a clear and determined brand vision: enhancing the values of kitchens to contribute toward the happiness of people and the wellness of the ecology.